Cheap Online Shopping Sites - Best Online Shopping Sites

Cheap Online Shopping Sites - Best Online Shopping Sites
Ebay, Amazon, Bestbuy, Walmart, Target, Newegg, Overstock, Groupon, Etsy, Zazzle, Woot,

  • Ebay is a ecommerce company and american multinational corporation
  • Founder : Pierre Omidyar
  • Founded : 3- September - 1995 ( California, United State, Campbell) 
  • CEO : John Donahoe
  • Official Website :
Amazon  logo
  • Amazon is a american electronic commerce company
  • Founder : Jeff Bezos
  • Founded : 5 -July -1994 (Washington, United States, Bellevue) 
  • CEO : Jeff Bezos
  • Headquarters : United State Of America , WA, Seattle   
  • Official Website :
  • Best Buy is a american multinational electronics corporation
  • Founder : Richard M. Schulze
  • Founded : 1996 (Minnesota, United States, ) 
  • CEO : Hubert Joly
  • Headquarters : United State Of America , Richfield, Minnesota , China ,Mexico , Canada    
  • Official Website :
  • Walmart is a american multinational retail corporation
  • Founder : Sam Walton
  • Founded :  2-July-1962 (Rogers, Arkansas United States, ) 
  • CEO : C.Douglas Mcmillon 
  • Headquarters : Rogers, Arkansas United States  
  • Official Website :

Target Logo
  • Target is a american  retailing corporation
  • Founder : George Dayton
  • Founded :  1902 (Minneapolis, United States, Minnesota   ) 
  • CEO : Brian C. Cornell
  • Headquarters : Minneapolis, United States Of America, Minnesota  
  • Official Website :
newegg logo
  • Newegg is a american  retailing hardware and software
  • Founder : Fred Chang
  • Founded :  2001 (Industry, United States Of America, CA ) 
  • CEO : Fred Chang
  • Headquarters : Industry, United States Of America, CA 
  • Official Website :

Overstock Logo
  • Overstock is a american online  retailer
  • Founder : Patrick M.Byrne
  • Founded :  May 1999
  • CEO : Patrick M.Byrne
  • Headquarters : Salt Lake City, United States Of America, UT
  • Official Website :

Groupon logo

  • Groupon is a global e-commerce marketplace
  • Founder : Eric Lefkofsky, Brad Keywell Andrew Mason
  • Founded :  January 2008
  • CEO : Eric Lefkofsky
  • Headquarters : Chicago, United States Of America, IT
  • Official Website :

Etsy Logo

  • Etsy is a  ecommerce marketplace its deal supply and homemade, Vintage items
  • Founder : Rob Kalin , Jared Tarbell, Chris Maguire, Haim Schoppik
  • Founded :  18-june-2015 (New York City, New York, United states,Brooklyn
  • Headquarters : New York City, New York, United states,Brooklyn
  • Official Website :
Zazzle logo
  • Zazzle is a image from participating company
  • Founder : Robert Beaver, Bobby Beaver, Jeff Beaver
  • Founded :  January 2008
  • CEO : Robert Beaver
  • Official Website :
Woot logo
  • Woot is a Internet retailer based
  • Founder : Matt Rutledge 
  • Founded :  12-july-2004
  • CEO : Matt Rutledge
  • Official Website :
Woot Logo
  • Walgreens is a drag  retailer based company in USA
  • Founder : Charles Rudolph Walgreen 
  • Founded :  1901 ( Chicago, lllinois , United States )   
  • CEO : Charles Rudolph Walgreen 
  • Official Website :

Recommended Reading:-

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