Prehypertension is basically a warning for the person that he might develop hypertension in the future. It is the condition in which you have blood pressure above the normal range but still lower than range of High Blood pressure.
Prehypertension Blood Pressure is the forewarning to avoid this condition. It has no definite sign and symptoms but It should be considered seriously because if it is controlled at initial stages you can avoid the risk of future hypertension. Prehypertension Blood pressure range for Systolic blood pressure is 120-139 mmHg and Diastolic blood pressure is 80-89 mmHg.
Most of the adults over 18 year age have Prehypertension blood pressure. In USA, 30% American are having Prehypertension. Such people are at more risk for future cardiovascular diseases and Stroke. Prehypertension is seen more in people with following conditions as compare to normal people.
- Obesity
- Family history of high blood pressure
- Diabetes
- High Cholesterol level
If you are having Prehypertension blood pressure, it isn’t very high but still increasing load on heart muscles and heart muscles beat under high blood pressure which results in thicker heart.